So a new year is upon us. What will it bring? New songs for me I hope. I plan to finally finish my unfinished album, Gaga Navyharsties & Pik. I'm not sure how that is going to happen yet, just that I WANT it to happen. I am also toying with the idea of undertaking one of these 'song a day/week/month for a week/month/year' projects to force myself into writing again. I haven't 'finished' a song for yonks. I feel like I need to write a few shit ones to dust of the songwriting cobwebs, before I can do something good. A writing project to force me into doing it seems like a good idea... I should probably finish the album first though.
I have been co writing a song called 'Isle of White' with my friend and fellow songwriter, James Eliot Taylor. Its a biece of music which I wrote and arranged but never wrote words to. I sent him an instrumental and he put words and a tune to it. It's now in the tweaking stages. I will post it up here when it's done. Hopefully it will turn out well and we'll end up doing more together.
I am hoping to do some recording with Alan Southgate and a few others to 'band up' some of his Touchable Numbers songs. Touchable numbers is a song a week for a year project which Alan completed late last year. Check it out
There is also a Lost Levels (my other band) album in the wings. We are trying to arrange a trip to Norway to record it with a friend of ours - Jonas Raab, who is an amazing producer and has his own studio in the middle of a forest somewhere. Fingers crossed that happens!
That sounds like enough to be getting on with for the time being I think.
Happy New Year
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